The How To:

Most often we wonder how did he/she do that? And then you go to youtube and it’s that simple! Voila! We can create a play list of with some informative videos that might make you want to draw, play, practice or learn. Please by all means email our web ninja at for any suggestions or videos you can recommend for this topic, thank you.

Here are some links to Storyboarding and creating some good angles:


1) Here’s an interview with Steven Spielberg on Storyboarding (1978)


2) Storyboarding tutorial:

This video is about choosing angles to make the story through the point of view of character. If you identify with the character, the character becomes more relevant to the viewer’s emotional involvement. To choose what to show with angles and composition Background designs also helps to create schematic of the scene.


3) How to make a storyboard:


4) How to draw Storyboards with UK artist, Gus Russell:


5) Learn how to draw a city with One Point Perspective:


6) How to draw with Two Point Perspective: